Cherry Blossom Time

Cherry Blossom Time

Spring buds emerge in late March and early April, some pre-emptively blooming, excited to get the show rolling only to disappear soon after. But don't you just find that the atmosphere changes in spring? In Japan, Cherry Blossom season is celebrated with festivals, walks and picnics simply to gaze at and appreciate these unfurling beauties whilst their soft ethereal scent fills the air. 

"It is true, as they say, that the blossoms of spring are all the more precious because they bloom so briefly." – Murasaki Shikibu 


We are blessed in our area; some kind soul planned and planted the surrounding roads with blossom trees, mainly with Cherry (one outside our living room window). So, I love to soak up this celestial display (I'm in heaven), totally inspired by its beauty, knowing it's fleeting, like a metaphor for life and being in the moment. But, so often we rely on what we know rather than what is; this means that we rely on fixed perceptions based on what we remember and project that into our future. As a result, our response stays limited and the same. 

Entrainment of your body and mind to be more present fosters more creative, spontaneous reactions based on the now, allowing you fully to immerse yourself in the moment. Meditation is a simple yet profound practice that teaches us to be more present. You could start with learning how to breathe. By following the breath, you stay present whilst inwardly, a myriad of subtle changes occur. With more oxygen, you become stiller, you breathe more deeply, stress melts away and you become more present. This means you feel nourished and connected to what you see; hopefully, you stop rerunning past wrongs and regrets so expanding your options. 

Life is fleeting; the more you learn to let go and be receptive to the natural ebb and flow, wide awake and fully present, the greater your sense of joy and belonging.

If you are depressed, you are living in the past.

If you are anxious, you are living in the future.

If you are at peace, you are living in the present.

Lao Tzu